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Pacing your Lifestyle and Exercise Apr 14th, 2015
“Pacing is an active self-management strategy whereby individuals develop self-efficacy through learning to balance time spent on activity and rest for the purpose of achieving increased function.”

Jamieson-Lega et al (2013)

Pacing involves learning to balance your time spent on exercise and activities, to avoid overactivity or underactivity. It is about being able to manage your chronic pain more effectively, to achieve a balance between rest and activity. This enables you to perform meaningful activities with less pain interference.

When you start an exercise program, you may struggle to adopt the right pace and technique in developing your fitness training. As a result, exercise can feel like a struggle. If you’ve experienced difficulty sticking with your exercise regime, the problem is likely to be one of pacing judgment and intensity:

a) Starting your exercise too quickly and paying the price later on

b) Completing sessions too conservatively and feeling you’ve got a lot more left in the tank

The solution is learning how to evaluate your training intensity and match it to your session so that you get maximum training benefits — and importantly, enjoy your training sessions.

“After having a serious illness a few years ago, and not being able to exercise without pain, I was unsure of how to begin an exercise plan without making my symptoms worse. I then realized that if I paced myself, I might be able to exercise successfully without the symptoms getting worse. I changed my thought processes from trying to lose weight and getting fit, to relieving the symptoms of my chronic pain. I started at a very slow pace, not pushing myself at all, a pace that I could do on my worst days, and then as it became easier, with no pain I increased the pace of my exercise program” Anonymous

Rhianne Turner Physiotherapist

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